Wen Huaisha’s Memorial Square

In order to commemorate Mr. Wen’s Ode to Dunhuang, consisting of 111 characters, as well as the man’s travels in Dunhuang, Winland Group came up with the idea of donating 111 mu (i.e. 18.3 acres) of desert poplar forest which got named the ‘Huaisha Forest’, as well as building a ‘Huaisha Memorial Square’.

The tree planting project was undertaken alongside the main road linking the front of the Dunhuang train station with the Dunhuang city area and the Mogao Caves historic site. It was divided into two thematic constructions, namely 111 mu (i.e. 18.3 acres) of trees planted for afforestation purposes and a stone square with a surface of 4000 square meters. In the middle of the square stands a 7 meter high natural monolith bearing the engraving of Mr. Wen’s Ode to Dunhuang.