Carte Blanche

6.8 - 8.4
Gazing at the lmaginary

—— LIANG Manqi

In collaboration between Arario Gallery and Winland Group Carte Blanche, LIANG Manqi’s solo exhibition, "Gazing at the Imaginary " has been opened to public at Winland IFC since June 17th.

Art is a projection of the artist's inner self, an accumulation of life experiences, a keen observation of the surrounding world, and a tangible manifestation of emotions and insights. In this exhibition, artist LIANG Manqi shares her unique perception of the world through abstract forms and vibrant colors.

Zhang Yong

Director of Arario Gallery

"This exhibition is extra special for Arario Gallery because this is our first exhibition in Beijing ever since 2012. 

I’m honored and glad to see this exhibition being presented again and bringing more people together under the same roof with common interests. And we are all here to appreciate art in its varied form and learn from other peoples’ perspectives.

I would also like to express my gratitude and admiration to the artist, who is unfortunately not present with us today, LIANG Manqi, for creating and coordinating this remarkable project. She is a creative and magical artist whose works will bring your emotions to the surface and will be manifested in various forms."


"Over the years, I have been continuously striving for change, constantly breaking and building. The challenges encountered in my creative journey often stem from the boundaries and constraints of self-awareness, requiring a step-by-step approach to overcome them.

In the limited physical space of everyday life, my attention has been directed towards the multitude of ordinary 'objects'. Many fleeting moments and uncertain factors are transformed into an infinitely vast imaginative world within me, through the use of painting techniques that incorporate ambiguous geometric elements and colors brimming with uncertainty.

By infusing my artwork with the experiences of exploring and embracing the liberating sensations of the external world, I have manifested the current form of my creations through the power of imagination.”